I have many things on my Wish Upon A Star list that require me to do lots of tidying, sorting and generally clearing things out. I find it incredibly satisfying once it is done, but almost overwhelming when I need to do it.
So I put lots of the things needing sorting on my list, dividing my tidying tasks into smaller tasks.
I had a pile of artwork that was my Mum and Dads artwork, in various sketch books of various sizes and as separate pieces of work. I decided to compile it together into one big book and have now stuck it all in. Some pieces I like as art and some because they bring back so many memories.
This painting my Mum did, is of a print that used to hang in my Grandparents home when we used to visit as children.

and my Dad did lots of great pen and ink drawings.

I went shopping last week to IKEA with a friend from work and bought a few baskets to help me set up some systems, with all the existing storage things I had, for storing all my art and craft resources in my shelving. IKEA has some really funky things and is great for storage ideas. I had stuffed all my stuff, previously, in a small cupboard. It would take me ages to find all the bits I needed, so I had fun re-jigging evertything around, sorting, throwing and using my new baskets! I am very pleased that it is all now oooh aah and tidy on my shelving at last!

So I have now crossed off #11 and #46.
40 to go...
Well done! I'm in the process of reordering my little apartment. I'm trying to make it a home for me and all those who come after me! You really inspire me to keep at it!