Saturday 1 May 2010

Join us in Being Thankful Week.

As housegroup, we girlies have been looking at ways of further developing our creativity and openness, through the different ways we share our joys and challenges of every week, bring our gifts and talents to share with each other and continue to have God at the very centre of our lives.

Each week, this term, we are having a different theme. We are studying a book, Live Like you mean it, by Eric Delve and sharing our gifts and talents through craft evenings, meals together and eating cakes we make!This Thursday was Moroccan Night! Abbie mad a delicious chicken and chickpea tagine. Yummy. We shared our thoughts on the the book so far - some lovely thoughts on David - the chosen but unexpectedly chosen shepherd boy and musician with a gift to bring peace in turmoil through music. So powerful. Annointed and sensitive to holy Spirit and yet bold to step out on faith to do what the Lord is saying. A lot for us to digest and live out and ask God for more of Him in the gifting and skills and talents we have in each of us - and a determination to be strong and very brave, for the Lord our God is with us.

This coming week, we Girly Chicks as a house group are focusing our thoughts on things we are Thankful for throughout the week and we will bring our Thankful thoughts, artwork, scripture verses, photos, actual items, whatever we have to be Thankful for to housegroup next Thursday to share about with each other.

Do you want to join us?

I am going to focus on something different for each day and have decided that I will take a photo of it for each day. I will journal it too and try and pray too, particularly about what I am thankful for.

so, if you want to join in.... please do!

You could just do one thing, or your top ten things to be thankful for, or do something to be thankful for each day. You could write a poem, journal, scrapbook, or... whatever you like. Ask God to remind you of the things that are really on your heart to be thankful for!

Put a link to your blog post and mine so others can see it, and write a comment here to let us all know too!

Posts anytime welcome by next weekend ending Monday May 10th.

Have a lovely week Being Thankful!

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