Imagine my amazement and utter surprise and delight to discover this photo of my Grandma and Grandad on their double wedding day circa 1929!
I have been beginning to do some research into my family tree, now that I have a few names uncovered from my adoption paperwork to go from.
I joined an ancestry website to begin my quest. It has been a hard search, as I had 2names, one date and one age to go from as my starting point.
I found a few leads and thought I had gone as far as I could with the mere few pieces of my jigsaw I had found. I was really pleased with what I had discovered but quite unexpecting this!
I was sent the link to this photo from the other half of the family from the double wedding, effectively descendants from my great aunt!
So in the photo, as seen for the first time by myself is my Grandma (as I have decided to call her)

Grandma Kathleen Lucy, when she married my Grandad (as I have named him) Grandad Hubert.

They were seemingly married along with her sister, Doris, (my Great Aunt)to Rev.Harry (my Great Uncle)
Imagine my further joy, to discover amongst the list of names and faces, my Great Grandma - who was called Lucy Maria.

So, I am among 3 generations of Lucy.
If only my parents knew the further linkage to my given name!
I am chuffed to bits!
Anyone see any family resemblance?
That is just too cool. How about that! What an amazing find - I know you are just tickled!